Case Management
Detoxification is the process whereby a drug or alcohol intoxicated or dependent individual’s withdrawal symptoms are assessed at needing to be assisted through a period of time necessary to eliminate the presence of the intoxicating substance and other dependency factors, while keeping the physiological or psychological risk to the individual at a minimum.
Outpatient programs (OP) for individual with substance Use disorders typically provide professionally directed screening, evaluation, treatment, and ongoing recovery and disease management services in a wide variety of settings. Such services are provided in regularly scheduled sessions of (usually) fewer than nine contact hours a week for adults. The services follow a defined set of policies and procedures or clinical protocols.
CMSU Outpatient Providers
205 Chestnut St.
Berwick, PA 18603
480 Hafer Rd.
Lewisburg, PA 17842
201 E Main St
Middleburg, PA 17842
51 S 4th St
Sunbury, PA 17801
140 Market Street
Bloomsburg PA 17815
352 Arch Street
Sunbury, PA 17801
Intensive Outpatient
Intensive outpatient programs (IOP) for adults generally provide 9 – 19 hours of structured professionally directed programming per week. The program of services consists primarily of counseling and education about substance use-related and mental health problems. The individual’s needs for psychiatric and medical services are addressed through consultation and referral arrangements if the individual is stable and requires only maintenance monitoring of these conditions.
CMSU Intensive Outpatient Providers
205 Chestnut St.
Berwick, PA 18603
480 Hafer Rd.
Lewisburg, PA 17842
201 E Main St
Middleburg, PA 17842
51 S 4th St
Sunbury, PA 17801
140 Market Street
Bloomsburg PA 17815
352 Arch Street
Sunbury, PA 17801
Residential programs assist individuals whose substances use disorders are assessed at needing a 24-hour supportive treatment environment to initiate recovery process that has failed to progress. The Residential level of care offers 24-hour supportive treatment in a contained, safe, and structured environment that are described as co-occurring capable, co-occurring enhanced, and complexity capable services, which are staffed by designated addiction treatment, mental health, and general medical personnel. CMSU is contracted with several Residential providers in Pennsylvania.
Law Enforcement Treatment Initiative
The goal of this initiative is to connect individuals suffering from substance use disorder with treatment options. Drug overdoses are now the number one accidental killer in the Commonwealth. It is our greatest public health challenge and our greatest public safety challenge. LETI allows individuals who are struggling with Substance use an opportunity to feel comfortable requesting substance use services with any law enforcement agency without any retribution.
Treatment Courts
Columbia and Montour Counties
The 26th Judicial District Treatment Court Programs target non-violent offenders where there is a reasonable assumption that the offender’s criminal activity is connected directly to the ongoing, chronic, habitual abuse of substances.
The 26th Judicial District Treatment Court Programs is to promote treatment, recovery, education, and a change in the attitude of substance use disorder-driven offenders to reduce recidivism, crime, and the cost of the criminal justice system with the support of the general public and for the benefit of the community. The Court will leverage its partnerships and authority to rehabilitate the participants with intensive supervision, evaluation, and treatment to bring about personal responsibility, accountability, and productive citizenship.
Contact Information:
Barbara Warunek – Court Programs & Development Director
Union and Snyder Counties
The 17th Judicial District Drug Treatment Court Program’s goal is to reduce recidivism by facilitating treatment and rehabilitation and to provide increased supervision to criminal substance abusers, as opposed to simply incarcerating them. The goal is to return clean and sober individuals to the community with an improved quality of life who are better equipped to maintain their sobriety, thereby having a positive impact on and improving the community as a whole.
Contact Information:
Alyssa Byers - 17th Judicial District Treatment Court Coordinator