Developmental Services

How to access developmental services

Call (570) 275-6080 or 1 (800) 451-9720 to get in touch with our Base Services Unit

Facts about intellectual disability

  1. Prevalence: Intellectual disability affects about 2-3% of the general population.

  2. Causes: ID can be caused by various factors including genetics, prenatal exposure to toxic substances, brain damage, and infections.

  3. Symptoms: The symptoms of ID can include delayed development of language and motor skills, difficulty with problem-solving and reasoning, and limited social and adaptive skills.

  4. Diagnosis: A comprehensive evaluation, including a medical history, developmental assessment, and intellectual and adaptive functioning tests, is required to diagnose ID.

  5. Severity: ID can range in severity, from mild to profound, with mild cases being the most common.

Intellectual Services

For more information about intellectual disabilities contact our office at

1083 Bloom Rd

Danville, PA 17821
